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Richard W. Hungerford, Jr. has assembled a database of more than 42,000 Hungerfords as well as a large collection of photographs, bibles, manuscripts and other materials that he expects to contribute to the Foundation over time. See below for the Background behind development of the database as well as an explanation of its features.

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Richard W. Hungerford, Jr. started this database with Stanley Hungerford's Hungerford genealogythat he self-published in the late 1970s and early 1980s and used coding now accepted by the other Hungerford family historians. (He spoke with Stanley & told him that he would be doing this and Stanley granted permission to do that.) The American Hungerfords got the prefix "SH" for Stanley Hungerford - and the number that Stanley assigned to them.

Richard's plan was to add, correct, update, fix, etc. Stanley's record and use it as the floor or starting point for this database. New American Hungerfords - not in Stanley's book - took the "US" designation. Stanley also documented two Hungerfords who landed in Maryland & Virginia - they got the prefixes "MD" & VA".

The Irish (which includes Australians) became "IR" and the English became "EN." Canadians should be either IR or US but some can't be categorized so they are "CA." Lines that can't be traced back to the "published" lines get the prefix "UNUS," "UNIR," and "UNEN." There are also some Hungerford folks who came out of nowhere claiming to be German, so they start with "GER." There are African American Hungerfords whose number starts with "USA."

Stanley also missed two major lines - one that came from Ireland and lived (mainly) in McKean County, Pennsylvania and liked to switch their names between Hungerford, Hungiville and Hungerville. This line makes up the vast majority of the "UNIR" family. The other came, Richard believed (thanks to the DNA tests) from what Stanley called the Virginia line and settled in Louisiana and was documented by Linda Marullo in her book "Preserving Our Hungerford Heritage." (Richard used "LM" numbers to indicate her line.)

The "UNUS" tag became unwieldy after a while, so Richard started using "M" for modern as most of the recent unknowns are more recent in time. There are 312 pages for just the American names - Richard kept track of them all as they occasionally needed to be updated - a "UNUS" individual is figured out and is now assigned a "US" number. Female lines with Stanley were very confusing, so Richard added a new numbering format. The daughters of SH66 became SH66a, SH66b, SH66c, etc. Their daughters take on normal numbers. Their children mimic the format. A son who has a daughter goes back to the a,b,c etc. numbering.

After some time passed, Richard realized that he wanted to keep track of all things named Hungerford, so he assigned them numbering schemes, as well: "HFC" for Hungerford Fictitious Characters; "EVNT" for Hungerford Events; "THG" for Hungerford Things; "PLC" for Hungerford Places; and "CMP" for Hungerford Companies.

The first Thomas Hungerford in the United States is SH1. The Hungerford Massacre in 1987 is EVNT1. Walter Lord Hungerford is EN8. The Hotel d'Hungerford in Paris, France is THG28. Hungerford Corners, Jefferson county, New York is PLC6. The J. Hungerford Smith Company is CMP8. (Etc.)